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Our Mission is to promote and significantly increase successful Aliya from Western countries. We do this by making the Aliyah experience an easy and pleasant one. We are analyzing and trying to improve each stress point of this life changing decision. 

We believe that by taking a full 360 degree view of the complete Aliya experience – from idea to successful long term settlement – we can make Aliya not just a viable consideration for citizens currently living in affluent and fully developed Western countries but even a preferred one.


Zelig Heller
Director of Construction Operations

Zelig is a licensed real estate agent and has 5+ years of experience in real estate management and development. In Atlanta, he successfully managed day to day operations and a team of 10+ across 1100 units. After making Aliyah in 2018, he jumped right into the real estate field in Israel, managing luxury apartments for American clients, opening a brokerage office, and conceiving innovative ways to help groups make Aliyah. With his experience, Zelig is the perfect fit as director of project research, negotiation, procurement, & management.

Yossi Antopolsky
Marketing Director

Yossi made Aliyah to Israel in 2013 after having lived in Russia, Canada, and throughout the US. Upon completing his military service as a staff sergeant in a combat unit, he joined a non-profit organization aimed at helping Lone Soldiers. In this role, he created a community for post-army Lone Soldiers and facilitated in recruiting security personnel for Jewish communities in Asia. He organized large programs and fundraisers, directed the marketing, and collaborated with Jewish communities all over the world. Currently, he is the marketing director for a fast-growing tech company in central Israel.

Michael Lieber

Michael Lieber is an American business person who has successfully founded and managed numerous business and philanthropic endeavors. In 1997 he founded an off-floor trading firm, which featured the first Windows-based software allowing instant trading for both Listed and OTC transactions. Since then, he has continuously utilized advances in algorithmic and AI technology to streamline business processes and enhance the end-user experience.

Elisha Bruck
Director of Educational Development

Elisha Bruck grew up in the Borough park section of Brooklyn N.Y. After spending 2 years learning in the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem he got married and officially made Aliyah.

Elisha volunteers for various Aliyah organizations and is the project coordinator for Naava Kodesh. Aside from encouraging and assisting individuals in their Aliyah process he also founded and runs  "Kedushat Tzion Tours", where young adults and families tour and deepen their connection to Jerusalem and Israel.

Motty Grubin
Communications Director

Motty aliyah with his family in 2006 from New York to Bet Shemesh. Later he drafted to an infantry unit in the IDF that specialized in the Shomron. Following Motty's service he joined a non-profit aiming to help injured combat soldiers with their entire recovery both Physical and emotional.

© 2021 by R'OO

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